AviaPromService is a regular member of ASA


AviaPromService is a regular member of ASA

ASA (Aviation Suppliers Association) – the first-rate independent, not-for-profit aviation association in the world. ASA represents interests of manufactories, suppliers, distributors of aviation technical equipment. The mission of the Association is to providing solutions to the challenges of the different lines of the aviation industry in compliance with regular and legal standards adopted by ASA. Other goals of Aviation Suppliers Association are support in cooperation with the FAA (Federal Aviation Agency), to advocate the enactment of just and proper laws governing the aviation industry, to promote aviation safe and skilled education in the industry in general. The headquarters are situated in Washington, DC.

Membership is open to all people and organizations, who manufacture, supply and distribute aviation equipment. ASA’s members work towards and adhere to the objective standards adopted by the Association.

In March, 2006 «AviaPromService» has become a regular member of Aviation Suppliers Association. Receiving this status not only opens new opportunities, but also possesses new problems and makes us improve and adhere to the highest worldwide standards of the aviation industry.

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